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Aquaponics Green House

I ran into gardener Tim Tittley at a music practice and asked about how the plants in the Green House survived our arctic cold blast this past week. Here’s what he said about the plants inside the grow beds:

“They all survived and are doing quite well. The tomatoes took a little more of a hit than the other plants, but they’re still doing pretty good, considering we didn’t have the right kind of covering on the ends of the greenhouse then. The fish are in the tanks now, and seem to be doing great. They’re hanging out on the bottom of the tanks for the most part currently, so we can’t see them as easily as if they were swimming near the top, but they are in there!”


After completion, the plan is to heat the water that circulates in the grow beds during the winter months using large compost piles. Compost piles can heat up to 140 degrees in the center of the pile, both night and day, and so are a self-sustaining way to heat the water naturally.