Homestead Fair

Ticket Sales Start 9/1/2024

Hand-Crafted Pottery

Many eager little children have gathered outside and worked with clay to make little sugar spoons, butter dishes and more for the Fair. For some of the smallest, it was their first Fair project! We signed each little work of art and set them to dry for a couple weeks. After the pottery dried, we … Read more

Woodworking from the Smallest Hands

These young boys gathered with their dads, grandfathers and older brothers for some evening woodworking classes this summer in our large woodworking shop at the Homestead Craft Village. For many of these boys, these hand-carved, wooden spoons are their very first wood projects. Now these beautiful spoons are displayed for sale for this weekend’s Homestead … Read more

Sunset on the 32nd Annual Homestead Fair

Sunset on the 32nd Homestead Fair

With full and grateful hearts we want to thank each and every one of the 15,552 visitors who came out to spend these three wonderful days with us at Homestead Fair. Whether you came with with family, brought friends or came alone, we hope you had a wonderful time with us and left with a … Read more

What did you like the best today?

We want to give a Big Thank You to everyone who came today. We had a very good day. What did you like best? It’s a hard choice but we think possibly the egg nog topped the list. Cinnamons rolls were definitely a close runner up. Some children tell us that the Hay Maze was … Read more

Many Hands Make Light Work!

Friends, neighbors and cousins all gather together to make beautiful baskets for this year’s Fair. Our youngest weavers start by making simple baskets with easy to weave patterns and branch out into more difficult and intricate patterns as they grow older and gain skill through years of classes.